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This stylish venue, which includes an oceanfront terrace, is distinguished by its attractive wood floor. Your guests will enjoy gorgeous nighttime views as the lights of Kobe Harborland sparkle in the distance. The room has its own bar counter and foyer.

Banquet Halls Size Height Dimension LxW Capacity
sq.m. sq.ft ft m ft Reception Banquet Classroom Theatre
FULL SPAN 185 1991 2.9 9.5 12.0×15.4 39.3×50.5 80 60 - -
List of rates for
Rates for conferences Meals Rates for exhibitions and fashion shows
Daily rate Basic rate Rate for additional time 2 hours or less Daily rate Setup fees
8 hours 2 hours 1 hour 8 hours Day before,
4:00 pm to
12:00 am
Day before,
9:00 pm to
12:00 am
Day of,
7:00 am to
9:00 am
FULL SPAN - - - 25,410 544,500 272,250 163,350 108,900

※Prices include tax and service charge.

Floor Plan